Operation of Canal System

As per the report of the National Commission for Integrated Water Resources Development, the overall irrigation efficiency of the surface water projects could be enhanced from present level of about 35-40% to about 60 % through improvement in water conveyance efficiency as well as water application efficiency. Findings of several studies reported from time to time also indicate through proper management of the canal system, the irrigation efficiency could be increased up to 15%.

Due emphasis has been laid on extension, renovation and modernization (ERM) of the irrigation projects with a view to fully utilizing the created irrigation potential, improving the water use efficiency and enhancing the irrigation potential. Government of India provides assistance for ERM projects under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP).

Government of India also provides assistance to States under the scheme “Command Area Development and Water Management (CAD &WM)” with the objective of ensuring optimal utilisation of the created facilities and thereby improving the water use efficiency.

The Working Group on Major and Medium Irrigation (MMI) and Command Area Development (CAD) for the XIIth Five Year Plan (2012-2017), has proposed that to achieve the objective of full utilisation of created facilities, the works, inter alia, related to extension, renovation and modernization (ERM) of old Major and Medium Irrigation Projects (MMI) are to be given top most priority. The proposed outlay for XIIth Plan for ERM of MMI is Rs. 17,000 Crore (State Plan and Central Plan) as per the above Working Group and Central Assistance (CA) to be provided under State Sector Scheme “AIBP”. For the Annual Plan 2012-13 Planning Commission has allocated Rs. 8769.50 Crore for AIBP which includes ERM Schemes also. No CA under AIBP has been released to ERM projects upto October, 2012.

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